Dental Missions for Kids In El Salvador!
The time is NOW!

The time is NOW!
Give children HOPE!
Gifting Smiles - Dental Campaigns for kids!
Dental health is a major issue in El Salvador; the need is evident, even on kids. Two years ago we began a program to address this issue. We are helping kids from the rural areas that belong to the poorest of communities, so that they learn how to brush their teeth and correct any already present dental health issues. Medical campaigns are taking place, these campaigns include education on the topic, dental cleaning and fighting tooth decay.
$10,000 total goal $9,265 remaining $735 raised of $10,000 goal
There is limited access to dental health, as it is something expensive and the painfull complications tend to be prolonged through time; this last factor, usually complicates the patient needs once it finally has access to it. There is a large percentage of kids, specially in the rural areas of El Salvador, that do not have tooth brushes and might have never used one. Dental and gum issues are present in really early stages.
This project will be the vehicle to create awareness and it will help so more people get involved. The evidence of doing these medical campaigns and showing the direct and indirect impacts on the kids and their families has no price. With this opportunity, we remove the risk of children developing more complex diseases.
Long-Term Impact
Potential long term impact is creating a snowball effect that will grasp the attention of public systems to always provide these type of services as it is so vital for the proper development of next generations.
What will a one time donation do?
$25 - Dental fillings
$30 - Dental fillings with Flouride
$40- Dental cleaning
$125 - Root canal treatment
$200 - Sponsor a Dental filling campaign (10 kids)
$300 - Sponsor a Dental filling campaign (15 kids)
$400 - Sponsor a Dental Cleaning Campaign (20 kids)
$600 - Sponsor a Dental Cleaning Campaign (30 kids)
What would a monthly donation do?
$25 - Dental fillings
$30 - Dental fillings with Flouride
$40 - Dental cleaning
$125 - Root canal treatment
$200 - Sponsor a Dental filling campaign (10 kids)
$300 - Sponsor a Dental filling campaign (15 kids)
$400 - Sponsor a Dental Cleaning Campaign (10 kids)
$600- Sponsor a Dental Cleaning Campaign (15 kids)
- Gente Ayudando Gente website
- write up on AAI website
- center for disease control article
- World Health Organization Country Profile