Give Wings to Love this Holiday Season! image

Give Wings to Love this Holiday Season!

Choose the country you want to support from list below

$16,268 raised

$18,000 goal

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

Provide HOLIDAY SUPPORT to the vulnerable children we love!

As a special Giving Tuesday thank you, for a $100 donation you will receive a bracelet for the country you support or for a donation or $250 we will send you THREE beautiful beaded bracelets in our special AAI design!

These quality bracelets are artisan crafted in Nepal by women saved from trafficking. They weave one red bead into each bracelet to signify this world-wide problem. We will provide a gift and holiday meal for children we love at our projects in Ecuador, El Salvador, Haiti, Nepal, Philippines, South Africa and Sierra Leone by Dec 10, 2020.

See which bracelet goes with each project by pressing this LINK

You can specify which project(s) you would like to help or make a gift to help the most need!

The window for donations will close on Dec. 15,2020.

A generous donor will to match donations to $10,000!

THANK YOU for helping maximize impact!