Concert for Clean Water for Hopi & Navajo - ticketing
March 22, 2022 @ 6:00PM — 7:30PM Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Virtual Concert to provide Clean Water 4 HOPI and NAVAJO!

a Virtual Concert on
Tues. March 22, 2022 -
World Water Day
to provide Clean Water 4 HOPI & NAVAJO!
The Hopi & Navajo Tribe, live with a total reverence and respect for all things, and have done so since inheriting the land from their ancestors. They view their land as sacred and treat it as such, but they have encountered a monumental problem: Their water has been tainted with deadly chemicals. It is time for the world to band together and protect The Hopi & Navajo, who have been protecting planet Earth for hundreds of years.
Arsenic 3, Arsenic 5, Uranium and Vanadium are all chemicals that have been found in the water supply on Hopi & Navajo land. The Arsenic levels are 2 to 4 times higher than the EPA allows as safe. Arsenic is known to cause many types of cancer including skin cancer, lung cancer, and prostate cancer, to name a few. Vanadium can cause vascular disease, paralysis, and can damage the entire nervous system. The two Tribe's have seen dramatic rises in diabetes and cancer in not only their elders, but the youth as well. The average lifespan of the natives who live on Hopi land is a staggering 47 years of age. Since 2017, The Hopi have been championing a new project called #NOARSENIC4HOPI that has helped raise awareness, but now it is our turn to help.
Airline Ambassadors and Clean Water Foundation, are planning this concert to raise funding and awareness.
The concert will be hosted by award-winning television journalist Chris Hansen and actress Marisol Nichols a with participation as well from Olivia Ooms, Keaton Simons, Tony Battle, John Eric Demery Jr and David Jefferson with Stakin Kickz See this LINK
If you don't have $ right can participate at the concert too!